Friday, July 16, 2010

Thing #18- Online Productivity Tools

The tool that I am going to focus on is Google Docs. This is a program that I started playing with at the end of this school year. I used most of the different applications; Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and the Form. I have found all of them useful, especially the Form application.

I am going into a unique situation. I am going to be the librarian at the school that I have taught at for 2 years. There are many pros and cons to this, and there are expectations that are there from the old librarian. In order to better understand what each person needs, I have created a Form on Google Docs to survey the teachers and their needs.

There is one pro that outweighs all of the others....COLLABORATION! You and a group of people can work on a test...and you do not have to send it back and forth through email, saving it under all of these different names every time.

The one con that I have found is that the documents do not always work well when you are trying to change things at the same time. The idea is that you should be able to change things and the other person see it, but I have noticed that there are many kinks in this.

Overall, Google Docs is something that I plan on using A LOT of in the months to come!

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